There are some great coupons that have started coming out that may save you some money when it comes to filling up those Easter Baskets! The Dollar Tree has some GREAT baskets, from the original kind that comes in every color to ones that are basketball, baseball, soccer, etc. So just by shopping there it can save you some money.
When it comes to the fake grass, I saw one neat idea on Pinterest. If you own a shredder, just shred up some colored paper and you have some pretty cheap basket grass!
Now it's time to fill them up! Here are a few ideas other then just filling them with candy!
Click on the photo to learn about each item!

How about filling up baggies with Goldfish?
Or How about a movie? There's a bunch of new coupons on that are for $3 off a movie!
What do you usually put in your children's Easter baskets?
my daughter is into gardening and loves raspberries and blueberries so I think we are getting her some plants for her basket with some other cute gardening stuff she has had her eye on....she is almost 10.